As a child, I had quite a few family traditions. Whether it was opening one gift on Christmas Eve or having a special birthday cake every year, what stood out was the way these traditions made me feel. Now that I have a family of my own, one thing that is very important to me is making memories. The best way to do this is, you guessed it, family traditions.

Do you know that family traditions help form stronger bonds?

We all know that family traditions are experiences or activities that are passed down between generations. These traditions can be unique to the family and are always something to look forward to. The main purpose of a family tradition is to create a special bonding experience. The feelings you get from family traditions are ones of positivity, love, and a sense of belonging. Let’s face it, traditions are a feel-good kind of moment.

Why are traditions important?

When a baby is born, you want to make memories that will last a lifetime. This is the best place to start. Traditions help children of any age understand the importance of family and they immediately realize they are part of something special. Those feel-good moments show a child you love them and are a great boost for their self-esteem. Knowing that you are loved or a part of something comforting matters the most. 

Have you caught ‘all the feels’ yet? If so…let’s help you to start a tradition?

It doesn’t have to be extravagant or expensive; it also doesn’t have to be holiday related either. The most important thing about a tradition is that it’s yours. But! If you’re still struggling with an idea, here are just a few that you can adapt for your family or use for developing your own unique ideas:

  • Have themed food on a set day each week. How about Taco Tuesday, Wingin’ Wednesday, or Stir Fry Saturdays?
  • Take a silly family selfie during school vacations each year.
  • Have an end-of-school celebration picnic (great motivator for grades).
  • Host an annual family fitness challenge!
  • Go on a family walk or drive every Sunday afternoon.
  • Plan a family games night and play a range of games together.

This is what I love about traditions; they can be anything and can simply be ordinary.Do you have any family traditions? Let us know in the comments below!


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